Chemical Peels for Great Skin: Here’s What You Need to Know

Sep 15, 2017
Chemical peels provide some benefits for patients of our Teaneck dermatology practice. Using this method of exfoliation, it is possible to prolong the appearance of youth, manage acne-prone skin, pamper aging skin, and more.

Chemical Peels for Great Skin: Here’s What You Need to Know

Chemical peels provide some benefits for patients of our Teaneck dermatology practice. Using this method of exfoliation, it is possible to prolong the appearance of youth, manage acne-prone skin, pamper aging skin, and more. We are pleased to offer a range of light to deep peels based on patients’ needs and preferences. Now that Fall is upon us, we see an increased interest in this treatment, and that means questions. One of the primary questions about chemical peels is how long results may last. Let’s dive in and see.

Light Peels

A light chemical peel may sound pampering because it is the gentlest of the bunch. Light peels remove superficial cells that block the surface of the skin. These cells are more than unnecessary (because they are dead or damaged!), they are standing between you and your best skin. To remove them means to maximize the performance of your skin care products, and to enjoy a healthy glow. Light peels cause minimal flaking and require no down time. They may be repeated as often as every one to two months.

Medium Peels

Stronger acidic ingredients such as trichloracetic acid are used for medium peels. A medium peel is absorbed more deeply into dermal tissue and so is better for the correction of hyperpigmentation from UV damage, mild laxity issues, and deeper lines and wrinkles. More tissue is affected by the chemicals in a deep peel, so redness and flaking are to be expected. Slight swelling and crusting may also occur. Typically, recovery occurs over a period of about 7 days, but it is possible to return to normal activities within a day or two (just remember appropriate care during the peeling process). Medium peels may be performed a few times a year, ideally during months in which the sun is the weakest.

Deep Peels

Carefully performed deep peels create a moderate “wound” on the skin that causes the uppermost layers of cells to slough off over a period of a few weeks. The redness, swelling, and peeling after this treatment is more dramatic, but so are results. When a supervised deep peel is performed, results can last several years. With the development of so many safe and effective laser devices, more patients are leaning toward that method of skin rejuvenation than deep peels.

Fall is an excellent time of year for skin rejuvenation with chemical peels or laser resurfacing. To learn more about our services, call 201-836-9696.