5 Reasons to Schedule a Skin Cancer Screening

Aug 13, 2024
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it’s highly treatable when caught early. The best way to detect skin cancer early is by getting regular skin cancer screenings — and scheduling yours could be a lifesaving decision. Learn more.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, affecting more than 1 million Americans each year. It can be deadly — but it’s highly treatable when detected early. And the best way to detect skin cancer early? Regular skin cancer screenings.

Our team at Advanced Laser and Skin Cancer Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, specializes in skin cancer screenings and skin cancer treatment. Regular screenings play an essential role in maintaining skin health and catching any potential issues before they get worse.

Not quite convinced? Here are five compelling reasons why you should schedule a skin cancer screening today.

1. Skin changes can be subtle

Skin cancer causes changes in your skin, but those changes are often subtle and can be easily overlooked — especially if they occur in less visible areas of your body. While skin self-exams are important, getting a professional skin cancer screening means that a trained dermatologist examines your entire skin surface.

We look in common places, like your face, chest, arms, and hands, as well as those hard-to-see areas like your back, scalp, and the soles of your feet. Our team is skilled at recognizing early signs of skin cancer that you might miss during self-examinations.

2. Certain risk factors increase your likelihood of skin cancer

Anyone can get skin cancer, but some factors increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer. These factors include having fair skin, a history of sunburns, excessive sun exposure, a family history of skin cancer, or having many moles or atypical moles.

If you have any of these risk factors, regular skin cancer screenings are even more critical. Our dermatologists are here to help you understand your unique risk level and provide personalized advice on how to protect your skin.

3. Skin cancer screenings offer peace of mind

Another reason to schedule a skin cancer screening is that doing it offers you peace of mind. Your skin is your largest organ, and even if you regularly check your skin at home, having a professional examination can reassure you that any new or changing spots aren’t harmful.

Knowing that you’re taking proactive steps to monitor your skin health can reduce anxiety and stress related to potential skin cancer or other skin-related health complications.

4. There’s no substitute for a professional skin exam

Our dermatologists know what suspicious moles look like, and we’re trained to identify various types of skin cancer — even in their earliest stages. Early-stage skin cancer is the most treatable, and making skin cancer screenings part of your routine is the best way to catch it as early as possible.

Plus, we can teach you how to perform thorough self-examinations, discuss the best ways to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, and recommend appropriate skin care products to keep your skin happy and healthy.

5. Early detection saves lives

The most significant benefit of regular skin cancer screenings is early detection — and early detection saves lives. When skin cancer is identified early, it’s much easier to treat and has a higher survival rate.

For example, melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has a 99% five-year survival rate when detected early. Regular screenings give us the opportunity to spot suspicious moles or growths before they develop into something more dangerous.

There’s no denying it: regular skin cancer screenings are an essential part of maintaining your overall health and well-being. Don’t wait until you notice a problem. Be proactive about your skin health and schedule your screening today. Call us at 201-836-9696 or book an appointment online now.